Services - Cargill Behavioral Health

Psychology Services

With a background and training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and personality-based psychotherapies Dr. Cargill provides short-term therapies that help people get on with their lives in a relatively short period of time, in most cases. He also has the experience to help with problems of a more long-standing nature that require potentially longer and more in-depth approaches. Click below for more information.

Short-term Therapy

Issues such as various types of anxieties, depression, excessive anger or stress can be resolved in less time with the skills and techniques associated with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness techniques or a combination of the two.


Anxiety is a broad term and includes various types that may be separate or overlap. When the different types of anxiety are combined, it is the most common psychological condition experienced by people with psychological issues. Below are some different types of anxiety:

Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder is best described as an intense and temporary feeling of anxiety with symptoms such as rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, feeling out of control as well as other symptoms. Education as to what Panic Disorder is and is not is the beginning of treatment. Continuing in therapy includes applying well-established Cognitive-Behavioral techniques that can be effective to minimize or eliminate symptoms.

Generalized Anxiety (excessive worrying)

Generalized Anxiety or better known as chronic worrying is another common type of anxiety. Pervasive worrying contributes to insomnia, mental fatigue and even depression if long-lasting. Cognitive techniques help identify and reduce the exaggerated assumptions and fears related with Generalized Anxiety. Relaxation practices help address the chronic tension that exists with it.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an affliction in which people have a generalized fear of something bad happening to them or family members unless they check and recheck things, do things in a certain order or various other types of repetitive behaviors that end up reinforcing fear associated with OCD. Cognitive-Behavioral therapy spells out the process of how this is learned and how one can unlearn the aspects of it. Severe examples of OCd often need medication to help in the short or may need to be maintained.

Social Phobia (social anxiety)

Social Phobia, or better known as social anxiety, is an intense fear of being judged by others and a tendency to pay attention to those anxious feelings when in social settings. Avoiding the social settings or not engaging with others only makes things worse. Skills-based cognitive and behavioral changes can vastly reduce the painful feelings associated with social anxiety.


Dysthymia (longstanding depression)

Dysthymia suggests a person experiences mild, moderate or severe depression over longer periods of time – over two years to be technical for this designation. By addressing long-standing issues such as concerns with what others think, fear of failure, low self-esteem as well other long-standing issues this type of depression can lessen significantly. Dr. Cargill will help you in the process of understanding the ways in which depression like this can be overcome.

Major Depressive Disorder (severe episodes)

Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by a severe down mood and generally losing interest in most or all activities that once gave that person pleasure, or a sense of accomplishment. Through behavior changes and identifying and changing negative patterns of thoughts the depression can lift. Again, this type of depression can be so severe that therapy and medication combined are often necessary.

Anger/low frustration tolerance


Anger or, the “ugly” emotion, as it sometimes referred to is problematic for the person who gets excessively angry and those around them. Being hyper-aroused, feeling threatened, treated unfairly and blaming others are just a few of the characteristics that lead to and maintain anger. Recognizing the thoughts and physical aspects of anger and learning to counteract them can potentially bring about a dramatic change in the experience and expression of anger. Dr. Cargill has helped many people learn to apply CBT and Mindfulness techniques to quell the fire of anger.

Frustration intolerance

People often seek out help for lower levels of anger or “frustration” and agitation. Like anger but less intense, excessive frustration and chronic judging of others or situations contributes to poor quality of life; not to mention possible health problems and insomnia related to elevated stress hormones in the body. Much like stress management outlined here in another section, decreasing frustration intolerance is about learning how perceptions, thoughts and lack of attention to physiological arousal and tension contribute to and cause this problem.

Long-term Therapy

Some of the problems people experience psychologically are of a more longstanding nature. Usually due to a combination of genetics and upbringing people develop personality characteristics and patterns of behavior that contribute to personal distress or negative interactions in their environment. This generally needs a more in-depth understanding of a person’s background and use of somewhat different therapeutic approaches. Below a couple of effective therapeutic approaches that Dr. Cargill has developed expertise in bringing to the therapeutic experience.

Schema Therapy

Schema Therapy was developed in large part by Dr. Jeffrey Young. Schemas, or also referred to as life-traps by Dr. Young, are in-part longstanding thoughts, underlying beliefs and behaviors developed over a lifetime and so much a part of a person they can not see them very well on their own. Below are definitions of the life-traps developed from such things as emotional deprivation or abuse that can lead to feelings of vulnerability, mistrust and defectiveness to name a few of the possible outcomes from one’s upbringing. Therapy helps people identify their life-traps and learn to change the behavior, thoughts and beliefs associated with them. Below are listed areas in which people develop well and the lifetraps that develop when they are diminished. Dr. Cargill borrow’s from this approach in longer-term therapy.

Basic Safety
  • If basic safety needs are not provided during development, or worse if there was abuse, associated life-traps labeled Abandonment, Mistrust or Abuse can develop.
  • A sense of connection develops with adequate attention, affection and guidance growing up – without it lifetraps labeled Emotional Deprivation or Social Exclusion can develop.
  • Autonomy he ability to separate from parents and function independently – without it lifetraps labeled Dependence or Vulnerability can develop.
  • Self-esteem is a sense of feeling worthwhile personally, socially and in work – without it lifetraps labeled Defectveness and Failure can develop.
  • Self-expression is the freedom to express our needs, feelings and natural inclinations – without it lifetraps labeled Subjugation and Unrelenting Standards can develop.
  • Developing unrestrained desires, wants and expectations can lead to unrealistic limitations placed – this can lead to a lifetrap labeled Entitlement.

Interpersonal Resconstructive Therapy

Interpersonal Resconstructive Therapy (IRT) developed by Lorna Benjamin, Ph.D. combines both Cognitive-Behavioral therapy as well as “attachment-based” developmental issues that in the past was in the domain primarily of psychoanalysis. IRT takes a more in depth approach to emotional disturbances of a long-standing nature and also addresses personality disorders of various types. Through a process of identifying well-engrained perceptions and reactions based on one’s past, patients discover those underlying dynamics that provides direction for changes that are beneficial. Dr. Cargill borrow’s from this approach in longer-term therapy.

Other Therapies

Dr. Cargill is also experienced in treating couples, individuals in transitional situations, stress-management and weight-management. Click below for more details.

Couples Therapy

Couples/marriage counseling can focus on short-term disturbances in relationships that can benefit from concepts in Cognitive-Behavioral therapy and “active-listening”/good communication. The most common problems coming into therapy have to do with lack of communication, loss of intimacy and cherishing one’s partner or excessive verbal disagreements/attacks. Dr. Cargill tries to apply effective advice and strategies that often help in a relatively short time frame. More complex problems are possible that require his expertise and understanding of issues described in the Long-term therapy section.


Dr. Cargill’s extensive experience makes him exceptionally qualified to help those making life adjustments or transitions resulting in emotional distress that do not qualify as a “biologically based” anxiety or depression. These adjustment problems can be just as distressing for people but are not classified the same. Their anxious states, down moods and distress are likely due to recent circumstances. Even without anxiety or depressed mood some people feel the need to review and get feedback from an experienced professional.

Stress Management

Stress and its management is something we all engage in to one degree or another. Stress management is also taught in seminars and workshops and provided in written form in various ways. Dr. Cargill has also provided presentations on stress management in hospital settings and upon invitation by various organizations in his community. He can, and does, help individuals with excess stress in their lives one-on-one. His expertise and guidance in this area will continue to be helpful to those who seek advice on this ubiquitous issue.

Weight Management

While a majority of people attempt weight management to one degree or another, many do not succeed. Dr. Cargill, again, has provided the behavioral and attitudinal skills to others in numerous groups throughout the years in medical settings to help them lose and manage weight. His post-doctoral fellowship at Brown Medical Center provided him with two years of clinical expertise and training. Most recently, he ran weight loss groups for youths at the nearby Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. He now works with individuals in his practice on an individual basis applying the same knowledge and skills he developed in hospital settings. Let him help you develop a healthier lifestyle in what many health experts refer to as a “poor food environment”.

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218 West Main Street
Hyannis, MA 93150


Tuesday - Thursday: 8am - 7pm
Friday: 8am - 5pm


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